I choose to focus my advise to the federal government on Foreclosed homes, which are bank owned homes because I think that foreclosed homes has alot to do with the market. I believe the Thesis of this article is that Foreclosed homes are happening more and more now, and they are affecting the market. My Class Connection is that I think that foreclosing homes has a lot to do with the downfall of the market these days and that the banks are at fault for the foreclosing homes. My advise to the federal government would be for them to pass a law to the banks which only allows banks to lend out loans to people, companies, etc, who are able to put at least 25% down, and they have to be able to show that they can pay off the loan. I believe that the banks lack in the rules on giving money out to people carelessly to this financial mess.
My personal responce to this is that I still do believe that the market will get worse in time but it will also get better, it will be like a rollercoaster. I believe that the banks lack in the rules on giving money out to people, carelessly to this financial mess. The foreclosed homes are happening all over across America and it's at the banks fault, they are the ones who caused this problem.
Original Title: Finding Inspiration
Author: Michael Clark
Date & Source: July, 7th, 2008, Digital Media
Thesis: The best way to find your inspiration is to focus on your passions in life.
Class Connection: I connect this to the American Icon project we did in class because the project was suppose to be an American Icon you look up to so basically you're Inspiration. Reading this article it tells you how to find your inspiration and in the project we did have to find a person who inspired us.
Personal Response: Personal Response: I do find this article helpful but at the same time it is kind of obvious because you are going to look for an inspiration that has something to do with your Passion and your dream. I think the author telling his story helps the people who are looking for inspiration because it tells an actual story that is true.
Original Title: Bush Delivers Remarks at Federalist Society's 25th Annual Gala
Author: Not Stated
Date & Source: 9.08.08, The White House
Thesis: The Federalist needs to be more respected, and that the government should be more organized.
Class Connection: I think that this article is focusing on the Federalist side, because
in the article they are saying that the constitution is a good thing, there aren't putting Negatives on the constitution.
Personal Response: I think that the article has a lot to prove about being Federalist.
What I see from this article is that they are talking about how the government needs to be separated into three equal branches and that each of those branches are very important and no matter what we must take the responsibilities. I do agree with what they are saying in this article, they said that the governments do not appreciate the nominees.
Challenge: In the article I found online I read, "Their solution was to separate the government's powers into three co-equal branches: the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. Each of these branches plays a vital role in our free society. Each serves as a check on the others. And to preserve our liberty, each must meet its responsibilities -- and resist the temptation to encroach on the powers the Constitution accords to others." I made a connection with the article The Federalist NO.51 because in this article they talk about the three co equal branches which are executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. They both talk about how important they are and that there maybe some difficulties with them but we have to take responsibility.
Original Title: The Most Famous Mistake in History
Author: Not Stated
Date and Source: past History, cruise charter.net
Thesis: Christopher Columbus found thought the world was much smaller than it actually is, and him gaining different ideas on how the earth is shaped.
Class Connection: I feel like this connects with the enlightenment's beliefs of theory's being supported by evidence, actual proof, personal experience, and empiricism.
Personal Response: My personal response to this article would be that I think it's good that Christopher Columbus actually decided to actually prove the theory's on the world being another shape
The WTO protest took place in Downtown, Seattle on November 30th 1999. The reason for this protest was of many different beliefs. The WTO stands for World Trade Organization they make rules on how trade works and make rules about how much you can tax corporations, and what kind of limits can be put on free trade, they basically try to make trade as free as possible. They were holding a meeting in Seattle, it was their first ever meeting that ever took place in the United States. Many people participated who had various points of view. Some protesters believed that the World Trade Organization should not be getting rid of but that it should change the way it works.Others were protesting about what they believe in. This protest did cause great damage, many arrest and injuries through out Downtown, Seattle area. This Protest got so out of control that the mayor of seattle, Paul Schell declared a state of emergency. The National Guard and Washington State Patrol participated in controlling this major protest. There were many different ways these protesters decided to protest. Many would roll up, kind of into a kneeling position and just lay there in the middle of the streets which didnt allow certain vehicles to pass. So the way these people were removed is with pepper spray and tear gas which forced them to move. Another way that they got people to move is by shooting them, not with real bullets, they were rubber bullets.
But were there human rights really taken away? I am kind of stuck in the middle to believe if they were or were not. In this article that I read they said yes there human right were taken away. They state the following reason to how there human rights were taken away,
"On Wednesday December 1 the city of Seattle awoke to discover their rights had been cancelled overnight. The center of Seattle around the WTO meeting had been declared a "no-protest zone" where anyone who exercised their right to free speech or peaceful assembly was subject to immediate arrest. Undaunted by the "state of emergency" (aka martial law) demonstrators traveled to early morning assembly points but were met by police check points where signs, banners, cell phones and communications equipment was illegally confiscated. Still demonstrators refused to give in and marched into the "no-protest zone" where hundreds were arrested, many after being pepper sprayed or teargassed numerous times."
I do believe there is more to the story that is not stated in this article. During a project I had done in the 10th grade we all as a class got the chance to interview out teacher about the WTO protest because she took place in it. She said the following,
"Windows got smashed like Starbucks and Gap and I remember seeing the guys climb up they had big like Nike store and taking the three dimensional letters and like taking them off and like throwing them on the streets".
Since this was a protest that did get out of control I only think it is fair that the police step in and take charge, I don't believe they took charge of the situation the right way but at least they did get a majority of it under control.