In this blog I will be explaining different rules of photography, along with a photograph for each one. In class our teacher gave us a quick lesson on different rules of photography and we got some notes down to help us understand these photography rules.
Rule of Thirds- On some cameras they will have a feature, it looks like this. This rule is to catch the main or important points of the photo. The main doesn't have to be centered in the rule of thirds it can help you place the object to the side. This rule also includes focus on the background. The photo will look much better if there were an open background, or big sky. It makes the photo catch more eyes. The most important is the points of interest. It is where the focus points of the image should be.
I think that this photo is a good example of what I would say passes the rule of thirds. The two main focus points are the boat and the beach chairs, but the photographer also left and open sky and ocean. In the background there is like a silhouette of an mountain that looks like it was photo shopped in but I still think it flows in with the photo.
2.Eyes, color, fill the frame- This rule was made up from our teacher and he explained to us what it is and how it improves a photo,Less cropping is better,Get on eye level,Eyes are important it draws in the viewer, & find interesting level.
By eyes he means the eyes of the object no matter what it is, human, dog, for a car it can be headlights, bird, etc. So the object should have strong eyes. Also getting down on eye level with the object you are taking a picture of. When taking picture of an animal get down on their level.If you take it from standing it would look very normal to people, it wouldn't be eye catching,but if you take it from the animals level it will give the person a whole new view.
I think that this photo is a good example of eye , and the how the dogs face is fully positioned in the frame. There isn't much space that is left out from the dogs face.
Depth of field- The depth of field is a type of photograph that has a focus po
int that looks very clear and high quality while the rest of the photo is blurry and out of focus. On cameras they have a feature called "Macro" this feature focuses on a point of the image while the rest of the photo is blurred out.The part of the photo that is blurred out is most likely the least important part of the photo that has no meaning.The depth of field can have more than one focus point. Interesting use of light
There is so many different ways of using light in a photo. You can use it as a focus point,to highlight an object in the photo. In this photo they use lighting in multiple ways they use the sun setting as a focul point. The lighting in the sky is also different colors and the back of the photos it gets darker.Shooting at eye level-
This photo was not taken at eye level,but I still think it looks okay.
Because maybe that was the look the photographer was going for.
If you would of have taken this photo at eye level then it wouldn't really look the same because it wouldn't show the dogs emotion.
6. Macro Photo- This photo is in
very good detail.It shows the
water drops and it is very clear.

7. Interesting Format- I do not know what they call these types of photos that are very long but I like the format.