In this book the writer uses a bird that says “Poo-tee-weet” as a symbol. This word would come up when someone would mention something that was not correct or stupid about war. In the last few paragraphs on the book it talks about war, and the very last sentence to the book was, “One Bird said to Billy Pilgrim,”Poo-tee-weet”. He also says, “So it goes” after a death occurs or gets mentioned in the book.
According to Billy, Tralfamadorians are aliens that have a shape of a toilet plunger and on the palm of their hand they have an eye. Tralfamadorians usually come up in the book when a death is mentioned, they are known for helping in the time of death. To them time is moments and not a long period of time.
The book is separated into chapters and in each chapter he will explain where he is and what is happening. They are kind of like little stories because he will only talk about what is happening where ever he is and he will explain his thoughts and what is happening. Since he is jumping from different time periods through out his life, I think that is what makes these little stories that he tells.
The conclusion of this book is just basically Billy Pilgrim creates a whole new world in his mind in order to help him with the real life of reality. Reality was too much for Billy to handle so therefore he would create his own life in his mind and that would help him thorough life. In his mind he saw death as not a big importance so Billy felt comfortable enough to go.
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