Sunday, May 9, 2010

Abstract with visual


While the world continues to emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) earth’s temperature is rising. Many of the environmental issues are related to large amounts of CO2 released into our atmosphere. “In the last 100 years the Earth has warmed by 0.74°C, meaning that global sea levels have gone up, glaciers and sea ice has melted, floods and droughts are on the increase.” Climate change can be controlled but in the world we live in now it has become harder for us to adapt to change. If we continue to live on this path we are slowly killing future generations by not providing a stable & clean earth for them to live on. Weather patterns have not been normal, more storms and floods are occurring due to higher sea levels, and the reason sea levels are rising is because glaciers are melting. Certain species and habitats are finding it harder to survive. After Polar Bears swim for a long amount of time they will usually rest on a piece of ice. But ice is melting faster and there is no more resting spots for these Polar Bears, so they drown. Deforestation has a major impact on carbon that is being stored in our atmosphere. The more trees that are being cut down the more carbon left in our atmosphere. Trees will go through a process, known as photosynthesis; this process is earth’s natural way of removing CO2. Trees also store tons of carbon so by cutting down trees we are keeping more CO2 in our air. Earths resources are slowly dissolving, we need change our future is on the line.

Pull Quote: “In the last 100 years the Earth has warmed by 0.74°C, meaning that global sea levels have gone up, and floods and droughts have increased.”

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