Thursday, February 26, 2009

Internship Immersion

1. What are you most excited about in regards to your immersion experience? Why do you feel this way?

I am mostly excited about the whole immersion experience, not coming to school just going straight to internship. I think at first it will be a bit weird. I have never had an internship experience like this before so I definitely think it will be fun, maybe. I am also excited to work on my project I am excited to finally go out and take photos and helping redJustify Fullesign the brochures.

2. What are you most concerned about (what causes the most stress) regarding immersion? Why do you feel this way?

I am mostly concerned about not being able to focus,.The reason will be because I am mostly going to be in a cubical all day. I know I'm going to get bored and it will reflect on my work. I will maybe slow down on my work/projects. I feel this way because I know I'm going to get bored with being on a computer all day and I will end up slowing down on my work. But I will get over it and focus on my work as much as I can and get as much work done as I can.

Mentor Interview

Interview with Kristina Fraijo

An interview with my mentor discussing the road to her career choice.

My mentor, Kristina Fraijo, is a volunteer coordinator for the city of San Diego. Her job is to recruit people who are in the need of volunteering and place them in different projects around the city. Because I found her job so random and wanted to know how she ended up here, I asked questions that I knew would fit best. I wanted to know what her major success were at this job, and to see what college classes she had taken. The main purpose for my interview was to see what she personally did after high school and in college.

How did you get to this job?

I worked in community parks too as a recreation specialist. In that capacity a lot of the position responsibilities were similar to this job and the aquatics, which is were I was before this position kind of worked hand and hand with the supervisory position. I am in this supervisory position only for a short period of time, as an OCA person out of class person. The persons whose job I am taking is on medical leave. I will probably come back as a recreation specialist for aquatics helping the volunteer office at some stage. I think it had to do with the fact that I come from a city wide perspective, that I do a lot of programming, recruiting, and program development work.

I wanted to know what her first impression was so that way I could maybe establish a connection with what my first impression was. I thought this question would be perfect to ask because I was so curious the first day I started my internship. I was curious into seeing what I thought about the work I'm going to be doing and what type of environment I'm going to be in.

What was your first impression?

My first lasting impression of this job was how cool is it that there are so many people in our community that want to serve their cities community programs. They want to volunteer their time to help increase the beauty of the open space parks, or whatever it is, but so many people are willing to volunteer. I thought that was super cool.

When you were younger is this the career you wanted?

No way.

Successes are, what I think, motivate people want to do more, and over achieve in certain areas of their work. Asking this question was a great way for me to understand what my Mentor's major successes are and to see if any of those still motivate her now or inspire her to do better.

What are some successes in your job?

In this position or overall? Let me tell you overall because I have the recreation specialist position for a long time and I have more time in that. So success there were being able to take my personal experience and knowledge, that I spent a lot of time and effort gaining, and to be able to create guidelines or programming that reflected the needs of our community, youth aquatic programs and to develop a training program for our fitness instructors again. Expression of my personal experience being able to put that on paper and use it as a guide to help train individuals that wanted to move into those positions or wanted to be in those positions in our aquatics programs.

Any major successes?

Being able to manage a new position with 3 brand new volunteers and being able to see that management move in a direction I'm desiring and feeling success. A specific accomplishment matching on a really short period of time, I think I had two weeks to place a hundred volunteers in the community on one particular day for one particular amount of time. That was one of my first projects.

What have you learned at your job?

Wow, I have learned a lot of things. I have learned, how to use a computer, Computer Programs, life skills, communicating with others, making request, not being impacted when you hear but or no or cant do that. Recognizing that its not be that it's the structure as we look at it now. That always the structure is going to change, so in this moment maybe what I have to offer or what I'm saying is that being regarded in a way that I'm wishing it would be but who know what will happen in 6 or a year down that line so to stick with some of those life skills that reflect how the evolution of change and interest and goals.. you know. I have been in it for a long time. What else have I learned, I've learned that you cant host events on too hold or too cold of days on aquatics events because people will loose focus and interest you got to learn to always have snacks whenever you have a meeting people like to eat. I have learned, to be clear and concise in communicating. I don't always practice it but I learned that will always be beneficial written or verbal communications. I've learned once your energy goes and you don't have interest any more you need to create or move in a direction to keep your creative juice flowing or else your not going to be happy getting up and going where ever it is your going every morning.

What are some everyday challenges you face at your job?

Having a very limited budget. Knowing that at one stage there was more money available to do the same level of service. That's a challenge. I this new position being clearer around my, How will I utilize my energy in the best way for this program at this stage.

If you can change anything about your job what would it be?

Two other full time people working with me. I would have a level on technology supporting the interview, application, identification of and placement of volunteers. I would change the number of technology we are working with, the number of people that support the program of the office. Yes, thank you for clarifying that. Yes I would change it so that it’s increased and works better. More people at higher levels. I would make my office more outside, so I would set up a computer station outside so I can do some of my work outside as well as inside. I would, well here are some of the things I'm going to change I would create a more mutually beneficial relationship with other volunteers program managers through out the city and that's it.

What do you find is the most exciting part of your job?

The most exciting part is meeting the individuals wanting to contribute so getting to know them and getting to hear their interest and enthusiasm matching their interest and enthusiasm with projects that support our organization. Another exciting part is to see how many volunteer organizations exist and the amount of service people in our community provide to the place that they live in, I had no idea before I had this job that so many people volunteer on a weekly daily basis in so many different facets of the community, so that's been really exciting for me to learn. Exciting in terms of doing I guess getting out and seeing and meeting the volunteers and watching them, watching my match making work seeing the project completed. Seeing the excitement and joy of everyone involved. Just meeting new people who have different stories.

Where did you go to college?

San Diego State, I went for my under graduate degree. Then Azusa pacific was where I got my graduate degree.

How long did you attend college?

Total of I think 8 years. Took me 5 years to get my undergrad and 3 years to get my graduate degree.

What classes did you complete?

My undergraduate class, my emphasis was in Social Sciences which my intention at that stage was to be a high school teacher. A History sociology, that sort of thing. When I went to, when I got my graduate in degree it was in coaching and leadership, I was an emphasis of physical education.

Which classes did you find the most challenging?

Anything with numbers. So, Economics I found really challenging or theories relating to economics. When I was in undergrad, classes that had to do with philosophy that sort of thing. That was challenging, but when I became a….later on it ended up making more sense. In my graduate work that challenging classes for me were those that had to do with like memorizing numbers and they were the ones that were less about feeling and evolution and human experience and more about these are the facts you need to learn.

Overall I believe that I have gotten all my questions answered, I think my mentor did a great job at answering them because she was very descriptive. I think learning about her personal career choice and learning what she went through was a great thing for me to hear about. Because I was curious about how she ended up at this job it led me the these questions which I think were a great way to learn more about my mentor.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Outstanding Blogs

1. Economic advice to Barack Obama?
Jade’s blog stood out to me when she was giving Economic Advice to Obama, because she gives a reason to why she aggress with his, Obama’s, economic plan. She also explains what she feels might happen, what the affects would be.
2. Literary Analysis?
I liked how Sydney explained the main literary device of her book, The Great Gatsby.
3. Historical Writing?
I think that Vanessa Mert has great historical writing in her blog , election on 1896.
4. Anything else that makes blogs great?
I think that different photography and videos make a blog more interesting, A good example of that would be Jasmine Bell’s and AJ’s blog. Aj uses a lot of references to videos in his, “What makes a great interview”, blog.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Charles Darwin

As humanities students (and humans), what responsibility do we have for the understanding of science?

- I think that we humans have all the responsibility at our hands. Because humans have been the key to making scientific discoveries in the past. I just think that there is nothing else in this world that can make scientific discoveries like us humans do.

What role should scientific inquiry and scientific knowledge play in our own society?

- I feel like science plays such a big role in our society, today. I think that there is so much more that’s waiting to be discovered. Since humans are held responsible for discovering simple scientific things in the past, that it will play that same role today in society. The role it should play is humans discovering bigger more better ideas, as time goes increases.

How should science influence our decisions, laws, and culture?
- I don’t believe science should influence any decisions we make, or change our laws & culture. Science should be I guess, natural. It shouldn’t be something that changes our society drastically, but maybe it will mean that people need to view science in multiple aspects not just one and some people, regarding their religion or culture, would need to accept science the way it naturally comes upon us in society.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Honors Blog;The Island of Dr.Moreau by H.G. Wells

The Island of Dr.Moreau, Written by H.G. Wells. Dr.Moreau wanted everything to be perfect, as if it already weren’t, so he used his knowledge to create monster like animals but in his mind that was perfect. In this book the author uses multiple literary devices such as character, point of view and Plot/Conflict.

One literary device in the book, The island of Dr. Moreau written by H.G. Wells, is character. There are three main characters, Dr. Moreau, Montgomery, and Prendick. Prendick an English man and is smart but not as smart as the other characters, Dr.Moreau and Montgomery. He is not really talked much about in the book but you can tell he is one of the characters who is doing his very best to survive on the island. I would Montgomery’s character as puzzled or confused. On the island he was looked down on by Dr. Moreau. In Dr. Moreau’s eyes he was seen as, “imperfect”. He was obsessed with Drinking and having power. Dr. Moreau, in my opinion the most stubborn character. I say that because he was obsessed with perfection and in his opinion everything was imperfect. So he used his science based knowledge to create creature like animals, which really was far off from being perfect. But in Dr. Moreau’s eyes that was seen as perfection.

Point of view was another literary device used in this book. He is obsessed with perfection. Dr. Moreau’s view of the world was imperfect. He finds all the imperfections in man and changes it, by doing what ever to make it perfect. Dr.Moreau looks at the world and sees a lot of flaws. So he does his best to try and get rid of them by creating these creatures like animals. In the end he ends up making matters much worse. When people found out what he done, he felt like he had to separate himself from society. An example would be when Montgomery went off for a walk in the jungle and found humans who looked like hogs. So clearly that was one of Dr. Moreau’s experiments.

The main plot/conflict in this book was believed by Dr. Moreau himself. It was the separation or difference between men and animals. In the book the creature like animals are called by, "travesties". The humans, "mockeries". He had an obsession with the whole Man & Animal separation; I guess he saw it as something he needed to fix.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Obama, how will you fix our housing market?

So, in your stimulus package you plan on using 800 billion dollars to help the economy. What exactly is going to be done with this money? Were you prepared for the burst of the housing bubble? I currently read in an article that, Lowering the Interest rate and extending the payments on the house would help? Since you are proposing to get billons are you willing to put some of that money towards helping families in need? I read in a current article, “As many as 13 per cent of U.S. homeowners with mortgages could lose their homes to foreclosure.”

In a article I read they talk about how the housing market."Buyers borrowed too much money and cannot pay the interest. Now there are mass foreclosures, and Congress is taking $700B of your money to pay the mortgage investment losses for bank. The plan is to overpay the banks for bad mortgages, claiming that this will support the housing market. It will not work, since bank profits have nothing to do with housing prices" There are so many articles that all seem to have their own thought about where the money is going towards, like in the quote pulled above from an article they say that 700 Billion dollars is going towards paying mortgage investments. Is that 700 billion dollars from you stimulus package?

What happens if your plan fails, do you have a backup plan? Is their going to be any negative effects of this 800 billion dollar stimulus package? You once said,
"Because if we don't move swiftly to put this plan in motion, our economic crisis could become a national catastrophe," Based on that quote who are you referring to as ‘We”. Do you mean we the people, of the United States? If so how do we as individuals in America act upon this economic crisis, do we even have any control over this crisis?

“But Obama and Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, have agreed on the rough outlines of a plan to direct some of the remaining bailout money to foreclosure prevention, said Steve Adamske, a spokesman for Frank.”Is this true, are you only planning on using some of the money towards helping the housing crisis? So, what is the main purpose of your 800 billion dollar plan?

  1. Mullins, Luke . "How President Obama May Attack the Housing Crisis - The Home Front (" US News & World Report - Breaking News, World News, Business News, and America's Best Colleges - 5 Nov. 2008. 9 Feb. 2009
  2. Dickson, David M. . "Budget deficit will soar above $1 trillion." The Washington Times. 7 Jan. 2009. 8 Feb. 2009 .
  3. Killelea, Patrick . "Housing Crash Continues, Bubble Pops." Housing Crash Continues, Bubble Pops. 9 Feb. 2009 .

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What makes a great Interview?

Specific;Personalization-Specific and detailed questions that arent too long. Questions that get straight to the point. Questions should be thought through very well and have a good choice of words. They should also be open minded so you can get a better more open answer.

" How did you feel when you read about the three heads of the auto companies taking private planes to Washington?"

Personalization;Dont keep the interview so strict and awkward, comment in between. Since you never know what the answer will be maybe commenting will help you come up with more better questions. It will also make the person your interviewing seem more comfortable and relaxed.

"Should bank executives, its almost christmas time, for go there bonuses"

she also says

" How are you going to get around without your blackberry?"

Innovation; You should never go into an interview without at least finding some information, background information. So that way when you are comming up with questions they wont be commenly asked ones, instead they will be more interesting quetions and that will make the person your interviewing have more to talk about.

I think both , " How did you feel when you read about the three heads of the auto companies taking private planes to Washington?" and Should bank executives, its almost christmas time, for go there bonuses" are great examples of questions that havent been asked before and you can tell because Obama doesnt seem bored with the question it seems like he has a lot to talk about when he answers these questions.